Tencent's Digital News (Words) before the Fitbit Blaze was born, it seems that we find it difficult to find a genuine Apple Watch competitors, and with the appearance of Fitbit Blaze, this has changed.
Blaze is Fitbit's first smartwatch, although Fitbit itself does not position it as a smart watch, but the outside world will still use Blaze directly compared with Apple Watch. In fact, people usually only buy one product, but whether it is a hot Apple Watch or a niche Fitbit Blaze has become a very worthwhile issue.
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So let's take a look at the direct comparison between the two popular smart watches.
Blaze is one of Fitbit's best-designed products so far, although it is still not very fashionable from the point of view. In addition to the flexible plastic strap, Blaze's frame section uses stainless steel, but due to positioning movements, Fitbit did not equip Blaze with a metal strap, and the overall upgrade looked slightly mediocre. But if you choose leather straps, it seems to be a little more stylish.
If you want a high-value smart watch, then Apple Watch is definitely the winner. In addition to three different versions, Apple also offers a variety of materials, colors and different sizes of straps, and even custom straps Hermès and Coach, of course, the price is more expensive.
Both smart watches are equipped with a color touch display but use different screen technologies. First of all, the Apple Watch uses OLED panels and sapphire glass. The 38mm version has a resolution of 340x272 pixels, while the 42mm version has a resolution of up to 390x312 pixels. Blaze, on the other hand, is equipped with a 240-by-180 resolution 1.6-inch LCD and uses a third-generation Gorilla glass panel with an extra durable coating. From the screen, Apple Watch is far better than Blaze.
In terms of operation, Blaze, like the previous Surge, designed two physical buttons on the right and one button on the left. Of course, you can also directly operate the screen by clicking or sliding.
Although Apple Watch has only one digital crown, it is enriched in usage. We can use it to open the app, or rotate the crown to zoom in and out. At the same time, Force Touch touch technology allows us to have more ways to operate the watch.
If you are more concerned with water resistance, then these two smart watches are somewhat disappointing. Neither Blaze nor Apple Watch can be worn while swimming. Although Apple Watch has IPX7 waterproof rating, it can only be used for 30 minutes under a depth of 1 meter, but in both watches should not be afraid of the rain.
Not surprisingly, sport tracking is Blaze's biggest advantage. After all, this is a smart watch that was created specifically for sports. Regardless of the number of steps, sleep, calories burned, stairs, exercise time, or optical heart rate sensors, Blaze can track all of the above data.
On the sensor side, Blaze has built-in accelerometers, gyroscopes, and altitude meters. Although there is no GPS function, if you are connected to a smartphone, you can rely on temporary GPS functionality and then use ConnectedGPS applications for the same purpose. In terms of sleep monitoring, it is accomplished through a built-in accelerometer.
In addition, Blaze can also use the SmartTrack function just added to learn the user's exercise habits and automatically identify the type of exercise. This means that, whether we run in the morning or in the gym, Blaze can automatically distinguish sports without having to manually set it.
Blaze also offers Fitstar Sports Coaching, which is not as good as Moov's top sports coaches, but it can provide some advice when we have difficulties in training or problems.
Finally, a large number of third-party sports apps such as Strava, Endomondo, and Weight Watchers are compatible with Blaze, and for older users, they can integrate directly with previous data.
The Apple Watch's sport tracking function is undoubtedly just an entry-level configuration, but in the future it can be enhanced through the update of the watchOS 3 system or the second-generation product.
Like Blaze, Apple Watch has built-in accelerometers, gyro sensors, and can detect heart rate changes by flashing green LED lights, and this monitoring method is similar to Fitbit. Apple Watch also has no GPS, so you want to use motion tracking to rely on the iPhone.
Apple Watch's Activity app helps us set the sporting goals, including calorie consumption, exercise time, and stop time. If you do not reach the goal, Apple Watch will automatically remind. At present, Apple Watch does not support sleep tracking, but future upgrades will also be added.
The latest version of the watchOS 3 system will be officially updated in September and has added breathing guidance. This is the first time that Apple has introduced this concept and is able to know that we are taking a deep breath to relax, which is very good for our favorite users. Overall, Blaze has more advantages in the field of sports tracking, especially given the large number of third-party apps that can be used.
However, the Apple Watch's own motion tracking function is relatively comprehensive, so it can also be compatible with third-party applications such as Strava, Nike, RunKeeper, but not much innovation in functionality.
Obviously, Fitbit's ecosystem is more mature and friendly to sports enthusiasts, and Apple Watch, while capable of providing similar functionality, is still less professional in terms of detail or data tracking.
As an accessory of a smart phone, a smart watch basically allows us to reduce the chance of getting a cell phone out of our pocket and see incoming calls or text messages on the wrist. In this aspect, Apple Watch is indeed better than Fitbit.
Blaze can answer or reject incoming calls, check e-mail, and control music playback. After the latest Android platform update, it supports viewing Whatsapp news and quick reply, but iOS version is not supported at present. In addition, like Snapchat, facebook, Twitter, etc. are not yet supported.
And Apple Watch is almost compatible with all third-party applications, all the news, whether it is a call, App notifications or control of music, features are very rich, and even can download music from Apple Music offline download to Apple Watch.
In addition, in addition to receiving calls, the Apple Watch can receive Siri voice commands to add alarms, calendars, or reminders.
Battery life
This is a problem that all smart watches have to face. How long is the battery life enough?
If you only pursue a long time, Blaze is undoubtedly the big winner. The Apple Watch basically provides smart one-day to one-and-a-half days of use, while Blaze can use it for five days.
Of course, the specific use time also depends on the use of intensity, screen brightness and so on.
Fitbit's price is $199.95 (approximately RMB1326), and Apple Watch, although its official price has been lowered, is still more expensive than Blaze.
to sum up
For Fitbit fans, the appearance of Blaze means that the company has begun a new design attempt, extending from a simple wristband to a sports watch, and is more powerful in the field of motion tracking.
The Apple Watch is more diverse, more comprehensive, more stylish, more stylish, has more straps and accessories, it is not just a sports tracking smart watch, it is a decoration in life.
Source: wareable
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